Improving turbine reliability and reducing operational costs with Mobil™ Solvancer®

Mobil Solvancer is a new oil-soluble cleaner product designed for gas and steam turbine applications, compressors and hydraulic systems that offers industry-leading performance to help turbine operators improve equipment reliability, reduce cost of operations, and reach extended overhaul-to-overhaul goals. Solvancer technology has helped power plants and refineries across the country avoid major shutdowns, including one instance where it saved a refinery from a 30–60 day outage that would have resulted in over $8 million in lost revenue. Throughout this presentation, users will learn more about an oil-soluble cleaner that can help address critical business priorities, the Mobil Solvancer technology itself, and how the product is helping users simplify the change-out process, reduce maintenance hours, maximize productivity, and enhance overall performance.

Speakers: Jim Hannon, Product Performance Principal, ExxonMobil